CJSR FunDrive 2022



Tonight (November 3rd) I'm doing my first live-to-air radio broadcast in over two years! What's the occasion, you ask? It's CJSR's 2022 fundraising drive, aka FunDrive! My friend Prosper Prodaniuk will join me to help me convince all the listeners why they will get a warm feeling from supporting CJSR and community radio in Edmonton.

We're live from 7-9pm MDT (0100-0300 UTC/GMT) on CJSR 88.5 FM in Edmonton. Or you can stream us worldwide through https://www.cjsr.com/ or through radio streaming apps like Radio Garden.

Donate online through https://www.cjsr.com/2022/10/fundrive-2022/ and check out the cool swag this year. You can choose Sunshine After Dark as the show you want to support (money goes to the station, but I get to bask in the prestige of having generous supporters).

If you want to hear all the reasons why you should donate to CJSR, tune in tonight!

Oh, and of course you will hear nothing but disco bombs, live and direct.